Our Sunday Morning service of Holy Communion is at 10am and is the main service of the week.
This service is in contemporary language with hymns sung to pipe organ music. On the second Sunday of each month the hymns are led by our music group. A children's area at the back of the church is available during all services.
You are welcome to join us for tea and coffee after the service in the Parish Centre.
Our next informal Family Service will be on Sunday 9 February at 4pm. This 40 minute service includes crafts, songs, stories and prayers with light refreshments.
Sunday Evening Prayer is at 6pm in contemporary language and with hymns. On the last Sunday of each month we have Sung Evensong in traditional language.
Our Wednesday service of Holy Communion at 10am is in traditional language. There are no hymns and a short talk fills the sermon spot. The service lasts about 40 minutes. You are welcome to join us for tea and coffee at 10:45am in the Parish Centre.