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Church is open to the public every day, 9am to 4pm. Worship is on Sundays at 10am and 6pm, and Wednesdays at 10am. Services are also being livestreamed at 10am on our YouTube channel each Sunday.





Mothers’ Union meet Mon 7 Oct at 2pm in the Parish Centre. All welcome.


The Bible Course, an overview of the Bible in 8 sessions, starts Mon 7 Oct at 7pm and repeats Tue 9 Oct at 1.30pm, both in the Parish Centre. All welcome.

Harvest Festival Service at 10am and Harvest Parade Service at 4pm next Sunday. Any donation of non-perisable food and toiletries would be much appreciated.


Chocolate Tasting Experience in the Village Hall at 6.30 for 7pm on Sat 9 Nov. Tickets £15 including a glass of fizz on arrival.


Our Harvest Service will be taking place on Sunday 13 Oct at 10am in church. Please bring none-perishable foods and toiletries to offer during our service.. All welcome.


The Knitting and Art Group will meet at 10am in the Parish Centre on:

14 and 28 Oct

11 and 25 Nov

9 Dec





The Church of England has launched a new app called

'Everyday Faith' to provide a simple daily Bible reading,

reflection and prayer. If you have a smart phone,

android tablet or iPad, why not give it a try here




Soup Lunches every Wednesday at 12noon in the Parish Centre - delicious homemade soup and cakes with a tea or coffee for just £5.


There is a continuing need to support the work of St Paul’s Fareshare project In Willington Quay by donating toiletries. Any donations can be left in the box at the back pf church. Thank you.


Christian Meditation sessions continue every Tuesday 7-8pm a St Cuthbert’s RC Church, North Shields.


Diane Bayley is fundraising for Macmillan Cancer Support in memory of Karen Bilton. For more information and to sponsor Diane please go to Diane's page at


The September edition of Parish News is available in print at the back of church.


The latest edition of The Link Diocesan newspaper is available to download here.



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